September 12, 2023 Meeting
Our September meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 12th at 6:30 p.m. For now, we’ll continue to meet at Lidgate Hall while we pursue other possible new homes. Sheila Couey and Jean Buck have visited the Roxy Ann Grange on Spring Street, which offers a nice meeting space but no storage or internet access Sheila will update us on details when we meet.
The meeting program features a recorded Zoom lecture by geologist Bill Hirt, retired professor from the College of the Siskiyous in Weed. Bill’s program, “Geology of the Klamath Range,” produced and sponsored by the Siskiyou Land Trust, tells the story of the Klamath’s accreted terrane formation from oceanic fragments and tectonic collisions. The unique habitats, serpentine and marble rock and lack of glaciation host one of the largest populations of rare conifers in the world as well as rare flora.

Siskiyou Land Trust is a non profit based in Mount Shasta that seeks to preserve and protect Siskiyou County’s watersheds, old growth trees and fragile habitats.