Photo: Eriogonum exploration at Rough and Ready by Kelley Leonard.

Happy March, everyone! This is Kathy Pyle taking over chapter news bytes from Margaret Meierhenry, who has done an admirable job of member communications.
Great news from our February auction: Chapter treasurer Bill McDonald reports that we raised $1023 in plant sale proceeds and $21 from book sales.
March 11th Chapter Meeting:
Local author and environmentalist Luke Ruediger will highlight the wild places and wildflowers of the Applegate Siskiyous. Luke will present a sweeping view of the entire Applegate Watershed, with its many botanical areas, rare plants and habitats including riparian, arid foothill, and the Siskiyou Crest high country that serves as a biodiversity bridge between plants and animals of the Cascades and the Klamath-Siskiyous.
April 14th Chapter Meeting:
Oregon Alpine Pollinator Ecology

Speaker August Jackson will present a program on his explorations and observations of high-elevation pollinators, particularly in Eastern Oregon. August will highlight the native bee flora that visits our alpine wildflowers. Steens Mountain is a favorite destination for his research.
August Jackson is a naturalist and interpretive specialist for the Mt. Pisgah Arboretum in Eugene.
Bombus nevadensis photo by August Jackson.